Managing the Three Greates Pet Peeves of the Dental Office Team

Managing the Three Greatest Pet Peeves of the Dental Office Team

Managing the Three Greatest Pet Peeves of the Dental Office Team I call myself a Dental Office Lifer because I’ve worked in a dental office for most of my working life. Over time I‘ve learned that although each office is unique with its own special vibe, we also have a lot in common. Most similarities…

Why Dental Pre-treatment Estimates are a Productive Treatment Planning Tool

Why Dental Pre-treatment Estimates are a Productive Treatment Planning Tool

Why Dental Pre-treatment Estimates are a Productive Treatment Planning Tool If you have anything to do with dental office treatment planning, scheduling, or insurance claims, you probably have strong opinions about pre-treatment estimates. My two-cents is that although they’re not perfect, they’re also not a complete waste of time. So, I’d like to share my…

How to Cope with Dental Staffing Shortages

How to Cope with Dental Staffing Shortages

How to Cope with Dental Staffing Shortages It’s crazy right? I’ve been in the dental field for over 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything like it. You place an ad for any position and … crickets. The pandemic caused a mass exodus of dental office staff. Clinical team members became overly concerned about aerosols….

Creating a Dependable Referral Protocol for Your Dental Practice

Creating a Dependable Referral Protocol for Your Dental Practice

Creating a Dependable Referral Protocol for Your Dental Practice Many of us working in the Dental Front Office have experience with both sides of the patient referral process. If you work in a specialty dental practice, you frequently welcome patients referred by general dentists. And if you’re in a general dental practice, you probably refer…

Three Simple Ways to Help Dental Assistants Stay Organized and Reduce Stress

Three Simple Ways to Help Dental Assistants Stay Organized and Reduce Stress

Three Simple Ways to Help Dental Assistants Stay Organized and Reduce Stress I recently posted my favorite tips for staying organized in the Dental Front Office. Today I’m offering three simple ways to help Dental Assistants stay organized and reduce stress. It was during my Dental Assisting years that I learned the value of systems,…

Four Simple and Terrific Tips for Organizing Time and Space in Your Dental Front Office

Four Simple and Terrific Tips for Organizing Time and Space in Your Dental Front Office

Four Simple and Terrific Tips for Organizing Time and Space in Your Dental Front Office A lot goes on at the dental office front desk and front office areas. Patients coming and going, phones ringing, and all of the administrative, behind-the-scenes stuff. When I get overwhelmed, I forget important things. Stressed is my least favorite…

Tips for Managing Your Dental Office Recare and Reminders

Tips for Managing Your Dental Office Recare and Reminders

Tips for Managing Your Dental Office Recare and Reminders Dental office Recare systems and appointment reminders were once done 100% manually via phone calls, postcards, and letters. Now we have patient communication software that integrates with our patient management software to automate patient contacts. I love these systems! They are super helpful and save the…

What Dental Assistants Would Like to Say to Dental Hygienists

What Dental Assistants Would Like To Say To Dental Hygienists

What Dental Assistants Would Like To Say To Dental Hygienists In the past, I’ve shared some of my experiences with dental office drama and the disharmony that sometimes happens between Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists. I’ve recently noticed some tension in our office and other dental friends have shared similar observations. I decided to chat…

Dividing Dental Front Office

The ABCs of Dividing Dental Front Office Duties so that Everyone is Productive and no one Loses their Sh**

The ABCs of Dividing Dental Front Office Duties so that Everyone is Productive and no one Loses their Sh** Dividing duties and assigning roles are some of the biggest headaches in the dental front office. We need separated positions and job descriptions for organization and accountability. But we also need everyone cross-trained and working together…