Uniquely Noteworthy Books to Add to Your Book Club Reading List

Uniquely Noteworthy Books to Add to Your Book Club Reading List

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 by Anna Baumann

Uniquely Noteworthy Books to Add to Your Book Club Reading List

Have you ever finished a book and really wanted to talk to someone about it? That’s how I felt when I finished reading each of these books. But you can’t just randomly start talking about a book because there’s nothing more boring than someone who drones on about a book you haven’t read.  And that is why I am sharing these uniquely noteworthy books to add to your book club reading list. They are awesome and incredibly talkaboutable! I am sorry that I no longer have images of each book cover. But, selecting the book title will take you to the image and full description. Don’t worry, it will open in a new window so you won’t lose this post 🙂

What the Wind Knows

This book was incredibly enjoyable. Draws you in and keeps you caring until the last word. Historical Fiction, romance, and time travel set in Ireland. If you enjoyed Outlander, you’ll love this. It’s not the same, but still amazing in its own beautiful way!

The Cartographers

This isn’t my usual genre (I’m usually more of a chick-lit fan.), but every once in a while something a bit mysterious catches my eye. This book took me on a wild ride and taught me a lot about maps. You will LOVE this super interesting, unique, and creepy page-turner!

Oona Out of Order

This one was a great escape! I don’t know about you but most of my life is, “Wake, work, sleep, wake, work, sleep.” It’s fun getting caught up in something that’s a bit far-fetched. And Oona’s life is anything but dull!

In Five Years

I think this would be a great book to read on an airplane because it’s not that long and you won’t want to put it down once you start. It has some fun moments but mostly it’s thought-provoking and a bit out of the ordinary.

Atomic Anna

I admit I picked it up because it has my name on it. 🙂 But I was glad I did because the jacket description sucked me in and I had to have it. It’s another one that’s entertaining and educational. I’m a big fan of time travel and this one is a wild ride!

The Left Behind Series

I’ve read the entire series TWICE! You’ll be hooked from the first page of the first book and you won’t be able to read them fast enough! They are fantasy, adventure, romance, mystery, and thriller all in one amazing package! Put your current religious and politcal preferences aside and read these. They. Are. Awesome. 

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